C++ Programing language review! Computer was made just for calculation but today it can do everything. Computer has similar functioning brain like humans. Like humans have languages, computers have their own language which is binary digits. Computer does everything in binary digits. If human wants to make or add features in computer he need to know binary language, which is so tough or impossible. For interacting with computer and make an application or function, there is a programing language which is easy to understand for both computer and humans. Basically, when you install a programing language, a compiler (translator) is there with it which converts your commands (in programing language) into binary digits ( the language which computer understands ). There many types of programing languages in the market like Python, JavaScript, C, PHP, Xml etc. But here we're for C++. C++ is a programing language which is used in multiple ways, it can be used in Web Development, Androi