Business vs Job

Business Or Job

Best career

In this world, there is a rule, Survival of the fittest. One who survives the best is called King. To survive in this world, we need money. To earn money there are two main options in the world. Whether you earn by doing Job or doing Business. In this article, I had compared the pros and cons of both Job and Business.

First let's talk about Job. Job is the thing where you'll have a life which is constant, you have to go to office daily, work under a boss who may be not good, you can also get stresses. So these are the only cons of Job but the bigger con is that you'll not get enough time for your family unless it depends upon job type. Another con is that you'll earn limited money, you are not growing your version is not upgrading your version is struck at 1.0. You need to do hard work and impress your boss for years and then your salary will be increased. Pros of Job are that You'll get a holiday, no tension of loss and profit and you'll get your salary at the end of the month.

If we talk of about business, the cons of the business are that In business there is uncertainty of income, you might incur loss too. There is high level of stress if you don't know techniques of doing business. Pros of business are that there is no limit of earning income, you can grow it more than you think, You are owner of the business so you can also hire someone else as part time CEO of your business and you can spend rest of the time with your family.

Now let's see which is better, stress level is equal in both fields, possibilities of earning time and money is higher in business, constant fixed income is there in Job. Now, let's see the ratio of Job and Business in India, Only 5 % of total population of India are doing business, rest are doing Job under them. So probability of being successful is more in business. But this percentage is more because very less students know what they are made for. Most of the students are advised to do Job and some are forced and our education system gives more importance to Job because there is monopoly of them in training students for Job. The students who are actually made for business and are good in it, are disappointed and choose job with very less salary, due to which vacancies are overloading. So my advice is to check and identify your inner talent and check whether you love it doing or not, then choose right field, else don't choose field which makes imbalances.

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