Gravity : Working and History
How Gravity works?
Gravity is a force which attracts the object to the surface of earth like a magnet, this is the reason of not falling us when earth rotating. Gravity was discovered by Isaac Newton in 1687. Newton was sitting under an apple tree and was thinking something, at that time an apple fall from tree on his head and he thought about it and a question took birth in his head about this attraction which attracts the apple down the earth only, otherwise apple should go upward too. Then many types of theories took place and at the end Newton gave a formula of gravity.
Actually this force is always between centers of bodies. On our earth, there is a part of sun means a fireball made of plasma in the core of earth which attracts other objects. To understand that how gravity works let's come to the most basic level of forces which are atoms, If we see in covalent elements ( elements who have neutral negative charge mostly and form covalent compounds are called covalent elements ), there is Vander Waal force between atoms, in this force, force is directly proportionate to mass, so that an atom will have as much Vander Waal force as much the mass it will have. So as we all know that earth is made up of uncountable atoms which have also some amount of Vander Waal force, similarly gravity is direct proportionate to mass of object so more the object has mass, stronger the force it has.
The space is a fabric like structure which was visualized by scientists actually space is made up of fields which are visualized as fabric like structure , actually this fields are 3 dimensional but for better understanding scientists visualizes them as a 2 dimensional fabric like structure, now if planets and stars like sun and earth is kept on this fabric then this fabric forms a curve as shown in this image below:

Now this fabric will form curvature according to the mass of respective object. Now due to this curvature objects are slip in this curve and attract toward objects. If we talk about Black hole which are heaviest objects of universe. Black holes are form after the death of a star and when a star was alive it was very bright and was constantly burning which means it was full of energy, a large amount of energy. So when this star dies, it's all energy converts into mass as per the formula of Albert Einstein which is E = mc^2 Where E = Energy, m = mass and c = constant. Such a huge amount of energy is transformed into mass and the mass of star remains there but there is no more energy in it, now this bodies don't burn bright as there is lack of energy so they become black and due to their heavy mass it has very high gravitational force which pulls everything inside it and where it goes is still a mystery, so this objects are called Black hole. The mass of this black hole is so much that if someone is even passing far from watchable distance then also it will swallow it. There are some theories about Black Hole which we'll discuss on some other time.
So that's how gravity works, If you want to learn deep about gravity then I will give you name of book with amazon button below which I personally read and created this blog.
The Ascent of Gravity: The Quest to Understand the Force that Explains Everything by Marcus Chown
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