Big Bang Theory : Explanation | Gyaan Dwark

What is Big Bang Theory?

Big Bang Theory

The question of existence of this universe has many answers which are as follows:

Today what we see and don't see has some reason for his existence. Coming to the point, A Belgian priest named Georges Lemaitre first suggested 'Big Bang Theory' in early 1920s. He used to say that the whole universe was born from a single atom explosion. Today, in the era of nuclear weapons, a bomb with capacity of blasting a whole country like united states is formed from an atom. If you study Thermo dynamics, you'll get that ity is possible to produce a next level heat from just an single atom. In marvel movies of iron man character Tony Stark has an arc reactor which forms as much energy enough to light up a house for as week in just few moments because of fusion and fission of atoms.

Just like that Big Bang theory stats that this space, air, fire, water, all the elements and energy is derived from an atom which was blast and everything detached from it. Several galaxies, planets, suns, comets, stars etc are formed just a single atom or particle. Moon rotates around earth because it is detached from earth after big bang. Earth rotates around  sun because earth is detached from sun. Sun rotates around centre of milkiway galaxy. All Galaxies are rotating a big centre. So after big bang, all the particles were in irregular shapes, as the time passed they were getting cool and because of gravity field, they started rotating in circular direction due to which they becom sphere. This is a reason why everything in the space appears Sphere.
By the way, I get to know about this theory from the book mentioned below:

A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME: From Big Bang to Black Holes.

You can buy this book from amazon.

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