Fashion Designing : Business Idea

Fashion Designing Business

Fashion is a thing which expresses your creativity on clothes. When your mistake becomes a style, you know your power. If someone wants to make whole career in Fashion Designing then you can go manually in NID and NIFT and do MA and Masters, then start earning money as an employee of a brand. But either then this I have an Idea to do something of your own. If a company gives you 50,000 rupees a month, that means if a company can earn 1 lac through you then you can also earn 1 lac from your own. Isn't it? To start something don't lose what you have. I am giving you this Idea to implement as secondary work, Your Education/Job ( If any ) is still Primary. Without wasting time let's start.

Fashion show

There is no investment in this business. What you have to do is, you have to use your fashion designing skills and design as many dresses as you. You don't need to interrupt your primary work for this. Just do it in the free time, when you get free, design a dress. Make a schedule, maintain work consistency like design 2 dresses in 1 week. Now your dresses are designed, the next step is to make it's 3d illustration ( You can learn it from YouTube ) or If you don't have the computer then go to tailor and give him order to make dress you designed. Pay him his fees ( this is the only investment will take place if you don't have computer and don't know 3d animation). The next step is to sell it on E-commerce websites. Make your shop on different fashion platforms like Myntra, Etsy etc. ( Learn this from Youtube).

You can also pay your fees with this type of business. Even if your one dress is sold then your investments will be covered and get the profit. If making of dress from tailor costs you 200 rupess then you should keep the price of your dress near 800 something, you'll get 600 rupees profit per dress. When order is placed deliver the product with the parcel services and include this expense in price of dress. Always display "in stock" on your product on website, because if new order is placed for same product, you have to call your tailor and ask him to make that dress again and then deliver the dress and then with that money pay the tailor. Just like this make your beautiful portfolio by adding 2 dresses every week. You just have to store only one model of dress unless you have computer because when you'll make your product sell there should be photographs of your product on portfolio, you can also make 3d illustration of dress and post the images of that illustration on portfolio.

That's how you can earn money with your fashion designing skills without spoiling your work. My suggestion to you is to be patient and maintain your consistency. This can make you earn even more than 70,000 rupees. Once you feel you're earning well then you can also make it full time career, you can hire employees designers who work for you and you pay them commission. You can expand your business, IT IS LIMITLESS!

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