Energy : Free and Unlimited

Unlimited Energy in future?

Have you ever thought of having a large amount of energy through which no one is required to pay bills? Today we're going to discuss about how we can produce unlimited energy on earth, yeah I know you might thinking how can we produce it because energy neither produced nor die. It just changes it's form, yeah but we are going to change the energy into usable form. So let's start.


Have you ever read about nuclear energy, the energy which is produced from fission and fusion of atoms. There is a type of force which keeps the protons and neutrons attached in nucleus of atom and this force is directly proportionate with their mass. In 1905, Albert Einstein derived a formula E = M x C^2 where E = Energy, M = Mass and C = Constant. This formula states that energy and mass are directly proportionate to each other and we can convert mass into energy and energy into mass, the real thing is that with knowing this energy we calculated and resulted that a large amount of energy can be stored into a small ball if we convert that energy into mass, this formula was very useful when it was derived we could make electric cars, reduced the pollution and we could also supply unlimited energy to whole world for free, many facilities could become more easy, but our politicians and people who are sitting on chair as our presidents and ministers, made atom bomb with the technology, they used it to make a  bomb which doesn't help you to make your life easy and update lifestyle, but it can kill millions of people at once.

Fusion process

This formula is the reason that sun is burning and it's light is reaching up here, now you would say then why someone not making this energy with this formula privately, its not easy as you think, some large machineries and some precious materials are required which can store this energy and bear the power of this energy.

The other ways through which we can make energy are solar energy, wind energy, Thermal energy etc.

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