LIght - Working and Existence

How Light Works?

Light energy

We see light. No, we can see because of light. Light is a thing which brings vision to the world. Anything in a field exists because there is someone who can watch it. Just imagine a universe without life, where there is large and beautiful planets, hot stars and different celestial objects but nobody is there to see it, it's existence can't make any difference.

We can see because light reflects through different objects and enter our eyes which is simplified and sent to our brain. You might be think then what about colors. Light is made of 7 types of rays which are 7 different colors which we see in rainbow. When a light falls on object, it depends upon object, if object absorbs all rays then it will be black, if object reflects all the rays then it will be white, but if object absorbs all rays except one which is reflected then the color of object is what remained.

components of light

There are two things which are reason for existence of matter, these two things are Energy and Strings ( basically according to string theory). Strings make different vibration patterns with the help of energy and forms  particle which forms this beautiful world, Energy is in unlimited form in this world. So we have two options, whether light is particle or energy. What is energy? Energy is a pattern in a nature which is called wave. it is a wave with different patterns, that's how it forms. There are many type of energy like heat energy, sound energy, nuclear energy. The most basic form of energy is heat which is an abstract it can't be seen but felt. The only thing in the world which can be seen is particle.


Light is a type of energy which can be seen. When light falls on your hand and if light is powerful then you may feel heat in your hand, it is irresistible to vacuum as light comes from sun to earth with it's energy. Actually, light is both particle and wave. Light is a particle which is travelling in a pattern of wave. The reason of this phenomenon is it's formation. Light is form when something burns, when you burn a wood, it's particles becomes warm and start turning themselves into fourth state of matter plasma, in which fire exist. Plasma has different molecular structure which forms fire, however, particles in plasma heat up and gain highest energy, it gets energy from fire the heat which is applied to wood and when heat is applied the bond between particles of wood breaks and the energy between them released and forms more energy and fire increases, now due to more increase in heat, the nuclear force also breaks and fusion and fission process starts which creates more and more energy and charge. Due to continuously fission and fusion, particles gets into it's lowest form, which has no mass but has lot of energy, just like sun ( sun is also made from continuous process of fission and fusion and it is a ball with more energy then mass ).

Fusion of atom

Now, this particle which is in it's simplest form start travelling in different direction in form of wave. So the light is energy because it is in the form of wave and we can feel it's energy, but it is particle because it can be seen also. There are different wavelengths of different light wave components, there are 7 types of components in a light. Each component possess a particle which travels in it's own wavelength. Due to 7 different measures of wavelengths, 7 different components of light are formed. The component with highest wavelength is called ultra-violet ray and the component with lowest wavelength is called Infra-red ray.

So this is the full explanation of light. This post shows the complete reason for existence and working of light.

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