Automobile Engineering : Business Idea

Best business idea for an automobile engineer


Nowadays, every 6th science student wants to be automobile engineer, there is less probability of getting Jobs if you are an automobile engineer. But there is a way through which you can use your knowledge to be successful engineer rathere than wasting it and doing something which is not according to your personality to earn money.

If you had done engineering with the motive of earning good money or something else then this post is not for you, but if you had done engineering because you love it, you love to design cars then this post is for you.

You have to design a car in your computer and list best features in your car. Now, you have to find two more engineers which are needed in making a car, then ask them for partnership, after you make the model of car, you'll sell this car to a big company in millions and then divide it. For example, you designed a car with great features and design, now you need to produce it, so you need a garage or a place which you will get on rent with less rent ( garage with less rent are generally found on the places far from residential areas ), now rather than hiring two other engineers, ask your friend or other engineer for partnership and then buy spare parts for car on credit and then work for 3-4 months and then examine it properly. Once your car is complete, ask big companies to buy your model's rights, If your car's price is 7 lac then you can sell your car model in 2 crore 10 lacs. Now with that money you can make more and more models and sell them in big companies. You'll earn millions and millions of rupees. Once you reach a level you can also build up your own company.

So that's how you can earn money as an auto-mobile engineer, there is risk in this business but you need to do this, if you want to do something big in your life and this is the only thing which will make you different from those who loses their hope and applies for peon Jobs, respect your profession, you aren't done engineering to become a peon and earn 15,000 rupees or doing job as fresher.

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