Top 3 skills you should know before age of 20!

Top 3 Skills You Should learn before age of 20


The top 3 skills which are listed below are very useful for survival. This skills can also make you earn more than you think and make you win everywhere. If you are good at anyone then it has limited benefits, It is good but I think you should learn at least 2 of them. So let's start.

1. Programing


Programing is not a profession or something but it is one type of language which you can learn like other languages which you learn in school. Like English and other languages, Programing languages are also used for interaction but it interacts with computer not humans unlike other languages.

There are many programing languages but if you are beginner then I will recommend you to start with Java script and then reach at C++ level. This languages helps you to program a computer and make artificially intelligent program which can be used by anyone as they want. For example, apps, games, websites etc. you see in the market are made with programing. It is also used in hacking, and this is the reason you should learn programing not for hacking but for protection from hacking.

With these Programing skills you can start business in digital world by making software and publish them and earn a good revenue. You can also nuse it to make an AI (AI is a robot like Siri, Alexa etc.) and use it to make a robot or sell it to a big robot making company. Cool eh?


2. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing

As the time is passing, it can be easily predicted that future generation is completely inclined towards technology. However, the world is in a situation that almost every person on earth has a internet inclusive mobile. In this kind of world, Digital marketing is very important. I think If you start a business then it is helpful, everyone knows it, but if your plan is to do job then it also useful to you. If you are unable to do business and want to do job then it is also helpful to you because you can also get a job as a MR in a company Or you can start your own profession is there where you do marketing for other and they pay you your fees.

What is digital marketing? Digital marketing is a source of advertising or reaching your customer through internet. There are many useful subjects in digital marketing like SEO, CRM, content marketing, Social media marketing etc. SEO (search engine optimization)
 is a very useful subject for a person who has some stuff on internet like youtube videos, websites or blogs, because seo helps you for ranking your content first on search.

Why Digital Marketing? because it is inexpensive compare to traditional marketing. As all are switching digital and watch web series more than TV series. all are connected through social media, so reliability is high. You can also see the number of people watched your ad and number of people clicked.

So that's why it is very important skill for future.

3. Communication skills

Communication skills

Communication skills should always be there in everyone because whether you do business or job communication skills are required . When you do business and meet your client or customer or you have to deal your communication skills can change your whole appearance. When you go for a Job interview, there is 80% possibility that you will be selected if you know communication skills. This skills make you look more charming, energetic and positive so people will like to stay near you.

Communication skills are skills which help you to communicate with others more accurately. Communication skills includes subjects which gives you knowledge of your body posture, your speaking ability, your eye contact and many more things. So in order to be good in your social life, you should learn communication skills.

So this are three skills which can help you much more in life and it will help you to handle out weak situations more easily. I recommend you to do certificate courses of these skills and all courses are available on web. If you can do all three then you will be a person with great features.