Top 3 Ways to start a business with less then 20000 rupees

Top 3 Ways to Start a Business under 20000 Rupees Investment


You will get multiple ideas of starting a business without investment or 0 investment on internet, but have you ever tried it? if tried, have you ever succeed ? This is because you are not consistent on your work you don't have that desire to work because you are not losing anything when you start, so today I am showing you some full-time business ideas which have less than 20,000 rupees investment and you can reach to more than 3 lacs in 1-2 years, there is no limit. But you have to give some try. You have to keep patience.

so let's start...

1. Mobile Repairing and Reselling

In this business idea, what you have to do is. You have to learn Mobile repairing through short-term course, then buy mobile repairing tools, so this course and tools will cost you less then 20,000 and this is your  investment. Now just like a repairer, start from neighborhood and repair their mobile and charge some fees, save that fees and when you feel that you have earned 5000 rupees or more, buy a wastage mobile which thrown away or sold because of it's bad working condition (see on OLX and Quickr) now repair it and sell to someone adding your margin and you can earn more and if don't spend that money but use it to buy another mobile and sell it again after refurbishing. Now you can also sell online by making your own store through shopify and share it. Then hire more workers, create an office at less rent. Once you reach at a level open more branches, and you can earn in crores with just these business.

2. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is a business which requires your continuously awareness, it can be done from home also. I have already made blog on this so you can see that blog through here : Earn money online just ₹3000 investment!

3. Broker

In today's generation where technology is very much involved, everyone searches everything on google, so the idea is to start making a broker website, what you need to do is to learn that how to make a website with WordPress ( it is very easy, I am strongly recommend you WordPress) you just have to buy domain and hosting, which will cost you 5000 rupees of 3 years approximately. What you have to do is make a team of offline brokers who use to sell offline with just calling, and ask them to sell properties on your website and when it is sold he have to pay you some commission from brokerage, then tell them that your website can sell their property faster then themselves. I prefer you to learn the Digital Mraketing also which can help you to promote your website with low budget.

So these are three ways through which  you can start your business with less than 20,000 rupees investment. Keep patience and do work faithfully with intelligence.

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