Top 4 ways to increase Brain power.

Top 4 ways for increasing your brain power.

Brain power

Today I will recommend you to do 4 tasks consistently to increase the power of your brain. There are many benefits of increasing mind power. So following are those tasks.

1. Be Silent!

You should remain silent for at least one hour a day and after being silent also stop noise behind your head, stop thinking and simply listen sounds around you without thinking any much simply be fully aware, don't be sleepy just for one hour. The power of silence is much more then you think. When you become silent from both inside and outside you will observe outside your body, you will be completely involve in that moment and then your observing power will increase and being in the present moment you will experience the absolute happiness.

2. Do math operations


Do mathematical operations as much as possible in your head only, start with small sums. This will increase the accuracy of your brain and you will be good in taking prompt decisions. What you have to do is, start math with small sums like 64 + 36 = 100, do subtraction sums, then do multiplications and divisions, that's it. This 4 are enough to make you genius mind. Do the sums daily, make a target, do 4 sums of addition daily, 4 sums of subtractions daily and same with others. You can also increase the number.

3. Do Yoga


India has thousands of years old techniques which are very reliable to cure anything and to maintain anything. Yoga is a way where impossible becomes possible. Some 80 - 90 year old people are able to run with Yoga. In Yoga, your body and mind becomes the one and work together. It is necessary to increase the reactivity of both mind and body with each other. Simply give one hour to your body and mind daily to make it better day by day, recharge yourself and make it capable. Search on web about which Ashanas and Pranayams which are best for your requirements.

4. Play Mind Games

Rubik Cube

Playing games is waste of time but playing mind games will increase you mind power. Play games published by voodoo games, it is neither my sponsor nor I am in any relation with it but when I personally played games published by voodoo games I experienced that they are quite entertaining and increases brain reactivity and power. You can also play Rubik's cube, I know you can't solve it but you can simply search on google how to solve 3x3 Rubik's cube, and follow the steps you'll learn to solve it and then increase your speed, this will increase smartness of yourself.

So this is how you can increase your brain power, if you do all steps consistently, I am sure there will be change, you'll be unable to see this change but people around you will notice this.

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