Law of Karma : Geeta's Karmayog

Geeta's Kramayog (Law Of Karma)

Without adding any type of verses and lines of Sanskrit which you don't understand, I  am going to explain you the Karmayog. Actually, there are Sankhya yog and Bhaktiyog also, but today we'll discuss Karmayog. I'll try to explain and simplify the context in Geeta as much as I can. so let's start.

Law of Karma

First let's understand, who made this system? As we'll go forward we would know that who created this system. So this system is not opposing laws of science, even this whole game is connected with science that's why there is a strong reason in believing this. The rumors and beliefs about Karmayog are that If you do something wrong with someone then that kind of problem will come to you to realize you that you had done wrong before 5 years- 10 years, No this is wrong. The real Karmayog which is given in Geeta is a basic concept of Cause and Effect as given in science.

When you do something wrong it's effect will start immediately, for example you press a switch and Fans start, that means the Karma is pressing of switch and it's result is rotation of fan. Lord Krishna says doing a karma is a right of us and giving it's result is always a duty of God, we can't access right on result of our karma, but we can access right on karma and it's results will be given to you according to your Karma only, so if we want to access right on results we need to control our Karma and do it easily.

The other thing Krishna says that, whatever is happening right now is result of karma you done in past (note that past can be 1 second, 1 minute and 1 year also). If we simplify it, we'll find that he is trying to say that whatever is happening right now is effect of a cause which is done in past. For Example, If a girl who is just 8 years old is raped, then you can't say that he had done something wrong because she is just 8 years old. Now you'll say that Girl has done something in her last birth but none has the proof of their last birth then how you can blame her. The thing happened to her is effect of negligence of rapist's parents, our education system, our politicians and whole society and society is made from people and we're also people so the cause of rape starts from ourselves only.

Now, I hope you understood this system, this not a virtual system which is run by someone, just like the law of gravity, this is a law of cause and effect. Now let's see what we should do now If we don't want to be sad in life, if we need to be happy constantly. Krishna says that we don't get attached with Karma but we are attached with the expectations with which we try to do that karma, if you do gambling with expectation of winning then after doing it if you loss then you'll be sad and if you win then you'll be happy but your greed will increase and this is where the effect of gambling will start, your expectations are only reason of your unhappy life. If you do every Karma without any expectations then you'll find yourself.

What  if you do Karma without any expectations, after doing that Karma you'll neither get happiness nor sadness and the effect of that cause will stop, Physical effect will come it's true ( if you do business the money will come it's true ) but the abstract things which can ruin your life will end there. For example, If you do something and nothing happens according to your expectations then you'll be sad and depressed and lose your confidence which will ruin your next Karma, If it happens according to your expectations then you'll be happy but there will be also increase in greed and Ego which will ruin your next Karma.

So if you do any Karma without any kind of expectations then you'll be a "Niskam Karmyogi". You'll always be happy, there will be no difference between Happiness and Sadness for you, you will never get regrets in life.

That's how karma works, I hope you read this keeping your believes aside, would be happy for all time make your mind straight.

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