Birth and Death : the reality | Gyaan Dwark

Mystery of Birth and Death

cute ages

We love birth, when a child is born somewhere, everyone celebrates. But we don't love Death, everyone is feared of death. Birth builds up a life which can bring many changes, and it's rule that if there is birth, there must be death. When an egg is cracked from outside there is a death, but when an egg is cracked from inside, a life forms. There is a very thin line between birth and death.

Let's talk about birth first. A life a human is made from 118 elements, these elements follow different patterns to form a cell, which becomes tissue, then a organ and then a body. Basically, our body is made up of 5 elements of Nature which are also called as "Panch Maha Jod" or "Panch-Tatva". Other than this, Our body is made up of senses, impulses and three types of nature of human which are Tamas, Sattva and Rajas. The thing which joints these all, the thread which passes through this pearls to make a garland is energy which is called as 'Shakti'. Shakti is the only thing which joints the Panch-Tatva, 3 natures, senses and impulses. After the mixture of these all things, a working body is made, just imagine this body as a machine in which part of a superior divine lives, this part is called as "Atma" in Dharma books.

God is a superior divine. Before the birth of matter there was a shapeless thing , nothing was there, but only one thing was there. This thing was made from two things one was physical elements with energy and other part was of God itself. God detached their half part and made this space, universe, earth and Panch-Tatva from which our bodies are made.Then God devided it's remaining part and distributed itself in each and every body on earth. So every thing we see is God, when everything will reunited, it will be God.

So when an Atma detatches from God and wears this machine is called Birth, If we talk about Body, the body is also never born, this body was an egg, this egg was an cell and the things in cell were something else. The body is not born but due to changes in pattern of elements, a change takes place and body is form. 

When someone dies, the Atma gets out from body and again mixes with God. The body is degrade and it mixes with nature again, after several years minerals are formed from that body, so the body is actually changed again. In Geeta it is stated that an Atma is neither born nor dies it just changes the bodies just like a human changes clothes. Similarly body is also like that. In short, nothing is born and nothing dies, it just changes, everyone has to adapt according to this change to survive.

Always live this life fearlessly, because this just a part of you and your infinite time. It's like you are driving on a endless high way and you drive through a restaurant.

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